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Bio-Plex 200 (Luminex technology)

The BIO-PLEX 200 Biorad platform is a flow cytometric analysis tool with Luminex technology that allows you to identify and quantify up to 100 biomolecules within the same sample. This degree of flexibility exponentially increases the amount of information obtainable from rare or limited volume samples.


  • Bio-Plex 200 Systems, array reader: supports 96-well multiwell plates, combines the 2 lasers present in the instrument, high-throughput fluidics and real-time digital signal processing that allows you to distinguish up to 100 color-coded beads sets, where each bead represents a different assay
  • Bio-Plex Pro Wash Station: for 96 well plates, eliminates manual washing steps, improves productivity, allows to reach reliable and reproducible results and to create optimized protocols
  • automatically analyzes up to 96 samples in 30 min
  • possibility to customize the assay by mixing different Bio-Plex tests.

  • Immunological assays
  • Receptor-ligand assays
  • Molecular pathway analysis
  • Nucleic acid hybridization assays
  • Enzyme assays.

intermediate (requires initial training with experienced staff).

  • Experimental design consultancy;
  • training for new users;
  • technical assistance;
  • the service is also open to direct collaborations on specific projects.

Access instructions for UniTo users:

  1. Read the Rule Book carefully.
  2. For each instrument for which access is requested:
    a) Fill in the specific “Access request” - UniTo users;
    b) Send to the Annex A present in the Rule Book, signed by the Operator and PI.
    Step a) and b) to be carried out simultaneously.
    Failure to receive the Annex A will make it impossible to book and use the required equipment.
  3. Only after receiving confirmation email from Open Lab staff (all sent data and documentations have to be verified):
    - For all DSV users and non-DSV users with a subscription: book the instrument from the Open Lab page through CampusNet platform with your SCU credentials.
    - For non-DSV user with a single use rate: book the instrument through the email


Access instructions for NON-UniTo users:

  1. Read the Rule Book carefully.
  2. For each instrument for which access is requested:
    a) Fill in the specific "Access request" - NON-UniTo users;
    b) Send to the Annex B present in the Rule Book, signed by the Operator and PI, and document "Legge 136" (english version).
    Step a) and b) to be carried out simultaneously.
    Failure to receive the Annex B and the document "Legge 136" will make it impossible to book and use the required equipment.
  3. Only after receiving confirmation email from Open Lab staff (all sent data and documentations have to be verified):
    Book the instrument through the email


Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/06/2024 16:38
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