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MALDI-TOF Microflex

The MALDI-TOF Microflex (Bruker) is a mass spectrometer with MALDI-TOF technology capable of operating in both linear and reflectron mode, for the acquisition of high resolution mass spectra, equipped with a workstation.


Instrument features:

  • MicroSCOUT ™ MALDI ion source with PAN ™ pulsed ion extraction
  • 60 Hz nitrogen laser
  • TOF mass analyzer for linear and reflectron measurements
  • Resolution in reflectron mode is> 15,000 FWHM measured on Somatostatin 28 (m/z 3,147.47)
  • The mass accuracy in reflectron mode and with internal calibration is < 15 ppm.
  • Possibility of acquisition both in "negative ion" mode and in "positive ion" mode (ion acceleration potential settable up to + 20/-20 kV)
  • Possibility of acquisition in Post-Source Decay mode (PSD-MS / MS)

Application software (Bruker):

  • FlexControl: data acquisition software
  • FlexAnalysis: data processing software
  • Biotools: data processing in proteomics
  • ClinProTools: statistical analysis of the acquired data
  • Biotyper and related reference library: rapid identification of microorganisms


  • MSP 96 target polished steel BC (for Biotyper)
  • MSP 96 target ground steel BC (for proteomics)

  • Rapid identification of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites ...) for diagnostic, epidemiological and research purposes 
  • Definition of the protein profile of different biological matrices (serum/plasma, milk, urine ...)
  • Identification of peptides/proteins
  • Identification of biomarkers associated to diseases or pathophysiological states
  • Identification of antibiotic-resistant strains

intermediate (requires initial training with experienced staff).

  • Experimental design consultancy;
  • training of new users;
  • technical assistance;
  • the service is also open to direct collaborations on specific projects.

Access instructions for UniTo users:

  1. Read the Rule Book carefully.
  2. For each instrument for which access is requested:
    a) Fill in the specific “Access request” - UniTo users;
    b) Send to the Annex A present in the Rule Book, signed by the Operator and PI.
    Step a) and b) to be carried out simultaneously.
    Failure to receive the Annex A will make it impossible to book and use the required equipment.
  3. Only after receiving confirmation email from Open Lab staff (all sent data and documentations have to be verified):
    - For all DSV users and non-DSV users with a subscription: book the instrument from the Open Lab page through CampusNet platform with your SCU credentials.
    - For non-DSV user with a single use rate: book the instrument through the email


Access instructions for NON-UniTo users:

  1. Read the Rule Book carefully.
  2. For each instrument for which access is requested:
    a) Fill in the specific "Access request" - NON-UniTo users;
    b) Send to the Annex B present in the Rule Book, signed by the Operator and PI, and document "Legge 136" (english version).
    Step a) and b) to be carried out simultaneously.
    Failure to receive the Annex B and the document "Legge 136" will make it impossible to book and use the required equipment.
  3. Only after receiving confirmation email from Open Lab staff (all sent data and documentations have to be verified):
    Book the instrument through the email


Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/06/2024 16:38
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