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Rational use of veterinary drugs and strategies to reduce antibiotic administration in Veterinary Medicine


TAG: antibiotic resistance, veterinary medicine, rational drug use, nutraceutics

A recent research line, characterized by a multidisciplinary approach and consistent with the aims of the Progetto di Eccellenza of the Department of Veterinary Sciences, deals with the identification of alternative treatment approaches (e.g. nutraceutics) to the use of veterinary drugs, specifically antibiotics. The first step focuses on canine acute enteropathies and the role played by oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and/or development of the disease to evaluate the use of antioxidants for treatment purposes.

  • Ricerca Locale, Università degli Studi di Torino

  • Candellone A., Saettone V., Odore R1, Badino P., Girolami F., Prola L., Valle E., Russo N., Meineri G., Gianella P., Bergero D. - Effects of a home-made elimination diet and probiotics on Helicobacter spp, refractory infection in a series of dogs with symptomatic gastroenteropathy - Proceedings of ESVCN Congress, 2020

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/12/2021 15:22
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