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Biogenic in food and in dairy products


TAG: biogenic amines, histamine, tyramine

The research area focuses on biogenic amines in fermented products of animal origin. Fermentation is a process used for the production of many foods such as cheeses and meats.The degradation of the protein matrix is necessary for the develompment the aromas that characterize the products. In addition, it can also produce vasoactive substances such as biogenic amines which can lead to serious food poisoning if ingested in excessive quantity.
The research activity is oriented to the study of producing microbial species and about the development factors of these substances in food products.

  • Gai F., Pattono D., Brasca M. - The occurence of biogenic amines in food originating from animals: current knowledge and future perspectives - In Biogenic Amines: origins, biological importance and human health implications - 2018 – New York - Nova Science Publisher – 203-243.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/12/2021 14:16
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