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Use of gaseous ozone in food processing environment with a particular focus on its application as anti-microbial and anti-biofilm agent


TAG: ozone, sanitation, food hygiene, food industry

The antimicrobial action of ozone (O3) has been studied and documented on a wide variety of organisms. It does not leave any harmful residues in food or on the surfaces which are in contact with it. The interest in O3 as an alternative to chlorine and other chemical disinfectants is based on its biocidal effi cacy and wide antimicrobial spectrum. It also has the significant advantage of being an environmentally friendly technology for a low environmental impact. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the effect of gaseous ozone on spoilage and pathogenic bacteria isolated from food industry with regard to biofilm production and survival.

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  • Di Ciccio P., Ghidini S., Zanardi E., Borrello S., Vergara A., Festino A.R., Ianieri A. - Effects of gaseous ozone on food-borne pathogens - Italian Journal of Food Science – 2014 - XXVI – p.116-118
  • Di Ciccio P., Zanardi E., Ghidini S., Vergara A., Borrello S., Ianieri A. - Utilizzazione dell’ozono nell’industria alimentare - Industrie Alimentari -2013 - 52, (539), 5-11, 2013.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/12/2021 11:20
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