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The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a capillary electrophoresis system for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of biomolecules.

The system consists of:

  • 2100 Bioanalyzer;
  • 2100 Expert Software;
  • specific RNA/DNA/protein kits, including reagents and chips based on capillary electrophoresis (to be paid by the user).


The system integrates an instrument, software and specific microfluidic chips for the analysis of RNA, DNA or proteins.

The advantages of this kind of electrophoresis, compared to traditional gel electrophoresis, is the use of smaller quantities of sample (1 µL for nucleic acids, 4 µL for proteins), lower consumption of reagents, significantly faster analysis times.

Possibility of analysis up to a maximum of 12 samples per chip.

  • analysis of the integrity of RNA/DNA/protein samples
  • evaluation of rRNA and genomic DNA contamination in mRNA samples
  • control of purity and size of PCR products
  • assessment of the size of DNA/cDNA fragments
  • evaluation of size and quality of libraries for Next Generation Sequencing (eg. Illumina)

Limited to the technical staff of the Open Lab.

  • Experimental design consultancy;
  • technical assistance;
  • the service is also open to direct collaborations on specific projects.

Access instructions for UniTo users:

  1. Read the Rule Book carefully.
  2. For each instrument for which access is requested:
    a) Fill in the specific “Access request” - UniTo users;
    b) Send to the Annex A present in the Rule Book, signed by the Operator and PI.
    Step a) and b) to be carried out simultaneously.
    Failure to receive the Annex A will make it impossible to book and use the required equipment.
  3. Only after receiving confirmation email from Open Lab staff (all sent data and documentations have to be verified):
    Book the instrument through the email


Access instructions for NON-UniTo users:

  1. Read the Rule Book carefully.
  2. For each instrument for which access is requested:
    a) Fill in the specific "Access request" - NON-UniTo users;
    b) Send to the Annex B present in the Rule Book, signed by the Operator and PI, and document "Legge 136" (english version).
    Step a) and b) to be carried out simultaneously.
    Failure to receive the Annex B and the document "Legge 136" will make it impossible to book and use the required equipment.
  3. Only after receiving confirmation email from Open Lab staff (all sent data and documentations have to be verified):
    Book the instrument through the email


Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/06/2024 16:38
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