Small animal neurological disorders
TAG: dog, cat, nervous system, clinical-pathologial-terapheutical findings
Recruitment of dogs and cats affected by neurological problems. Characterization of the ongoing pathology, collection and analysis of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, therapeutic management, imaging, pathology findings.
- Cagnotti G., Odore R., Bertone I., Corona C., Dappiano E., Gardini G., Iulini B., Bellino C., D'Angelo A. - Open-label clinical trial of rectally administered levetiracetam as supplemental treatment in dogs with cluster seizures - Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2019): 1714-1718
- Cagnotti G., Odore R., Gardini G., Amedeo S., Bertone I., Guerriero G., Lentini L., Dappiano E., D'Angelo A. - Pharmacokinetics of rectal levetiracetam as add-on treatment in dogs affected by cluster seizures or status epilepticus - BMC Veterinary Research (2018): 1-6
- Ashwini A., D'Angelo A., Yamato O., Giordano C., Cagnotti G., Harcourt-Brown T., Mhlanga-Mutangadura T., Guo J., Johnson G.S., Katz M.L. - Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis associated with an MFSD8 mutation in Chihuahuas - Molecular genetics and metabolism (2016) 118: 326-332
- Dr. Barbara Iulini (IZSTO)
- Dr. Corona Cristiano (IZSTO)
- Prof. Carlo Cantile (UNIPI)
Prof. Antonio D’Angelo (Coordinatore)
Dr. Giulia Cagnotti
Dr. Elena Dappiano
Dr. Giorgia Di Muro